- To escape characters in regular expression use Pattern.quote("."). To change replacement string Matcher.quaoteReplacement(String).
- In java are statemant labels
- Special values:
- Be careful:
- Java exception checking is not enforced be the virtual machine
- Class.newInstance can throw checked exceptions that it does not declare
- Generic type information is checked at compile time not at runtime.
- When a program calls a static method, the method to be invoked is selected at compile-time, based on compile-time type of a qualifier
- Static methods annnot be overridden, they can only be hidden
- Never call overridable methods from constuctors
- AtomicLong - object with implementation for synchonisation
- You must override hashcode() whenever you override equals
- Integer literals begining with 0 are in interpreted as octal values
- Math.abs is not guaranteed to return nonnegative result. For Integer MIN_VALUE and for Long MIN_VALUE it does not
- Methods in object are overwritten and fields are only hidden but can be other types.
- It is possible to hide variables, nested types and static methods.
- A package-private method cannot be directly overridden by a method in a different package
- Thread.join calls Object.wait on the Thread instance representing the Thread being joined. This releases the lock for the duration of the wait
- You cannot legally access a member of a nonpublic type from an other package
- The constructor of a non-static nested class is compiled such that it has as its first parameter an additional implicid parameter representing the immediately enclosing instance. So avoid using reflection to instantiate inner classes
- PrintStream.write(int) is the only output method that does not flush a PrintStream
- You must drain the output stream of a child process in order to ensure its termination. The same goes for the error stream.
- Calling Thread.interrupted always clears the interrupted status of the current thread
- References to constant fields are resolved at compile time to the constant values they denote.